Just because we're silent doesn't mean we're not up to something! We have several projects that we're juggling, some that are SUPER OMEGA TOP SECRET and others that we'll be leaking details on quite soon... 

The first spoiler that we want to share with everyone, is that a as a group, we've decided that we'll be taking on some pretty big projects within the next couple months that will put all our skills to the test. We want to put on shows that are even bigger with even bigger casts! This means that we will be opening up our group a bit and casting for roles that could grow from temporary to permanent within our group!

That means... if you love acting, love dressing up, love being on stage and showing off~ you'll have the chance to join us! We will start accepting fresh actors that are willing to commit and learn, and don't worry about experience because we can teach you!

We are currently writing out our first show, already scheduled to be performed at GlitchCon 2013! So keep an eye out, because soon we'll be sending out casting calls and we would love to work with you!

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