WOW I haven't updated this in forever! I'm such a slacker! We have been anticipating an overhaul of this entire website, but we're running into a few issues. I'll try to get back on schedule with keeping things updated until then!

We just returned from All-Con where we had an awesome time!! We wore our Steampunk Gotham cosplays, and our Doctor Who costumes. We did a Cosplay Intermediate panel and a Props and Armor on a budget panel. A huge thanks to every photographer who took our photo, and every person that attended one of our panels. We appreciate you all so much, and hope that we entertained you or taught you something!
Our wonderful friends Joe and Ashly joined us for this group as Batman and Poison Ivy. I (Mika) made my costume using patterns I created. My hammer is made from craft foam filled with expanding spray foam. Shaun's Joker is mostly modified from clothing we already had lying around. Demi's Catwoman was made using 2 way stretch pleather. Ashly made her costume and Joe's in like 2 days because she's crazy and awesome.

Yay Doctor Who! I am the lighter angel, Demi is the darker angel, Shaun is the Silence, and our amazing friend & handler Keegan is the 10th. Here's a quick run down of how the Angels were made! In the next blog, I'll explain how the Silence was made. 
We bought plastic masks from hobby lobby, cut the eyeholes to be larger, and sculpted details onto them using paperclay. 
We sewed an underdress and stitched a hula hoop into the bottom of it to hold the basic shape. Then we sewed the top dress. We hand gathered it to make it "bunch" properly. The third photo is what we wear under both of the dresses. It covers our neck, heads, arms, and hands. This saves us from having to paint ourselves and matches our dresses pretty well! They were made by stitching women's tights onto old tank tops. We painted the dresses and arm/head/neck/hand covering using spray paint and acrylic paint mixed with a fabric medium. We painted it all one medium shade of grey then painted on highlights and shadows to give that stone look.

We sewed the gloves by pinning between the fingers, cutting between the pins, and hand stitching. We put clear nail polish on the seams to keep the hose from running. The first pair we used were too thin, so we switched to the thicker pair in second photo. Then we added fake fingernails. 

We made the wigs by stitching yarn down the middle, then styled them into ponytails. Next we glued little curls on the front for the bangs using clear tacky glue. Once they were styled we covered them in modge podge to harden them.
The wings are made from two layers of tri-fold foamcore poster boards. The feathers are made from craft foam. In between the two layers of foamcore are 3 wire pieces with fabric glued over them. The fabric helps give the glue something to hold on to. 
The eyes were made from little plastic containers that you get from 50 ¢ machines. The middle photo shows the wing harness and the last photo is the finished product!

Until next time, here's an entertaining video including a quick interview with us at All-Con. We appear at 19:03. A big thanks to the awesome people at SCNS Live for the interview! You can check out their facebook here! We have so many exciting things planned for the future, and can't wait to get started on them! We also have a few new tutorial videos in the works. Again, I'll put up the Silence info in the next blog! 

To keep up with our current projects please check us out on facebook:

Thanks for reading!!~

Written by Mika Nicole

Earlier this month we attended Glitch Con, where we were honored to be Cosplay Guests and judges for the cosplay competition! We also hosted our Challenge Accepted game show and our Prop-Making 101 panels. This con was wonderful! Everyone there was incredibly friendly, including the staff. The cosplayers were awesome! It was really tough picking just a few winners out of such a talented group of people! Glitch con, thank you so much for having us! We really loved it and can't wait for next year!!
On stage with our co-judge Syren Cosplay and Peter Pixie, Master of Ceremonies. It was great being around these two! Very nice people! 
Photo by Hikaruhime.
On stage with some of the Winners!
We were finally able to do a quick photoshoot of our WoW group thanks to Hikaruhime! She's amazing and we really appreciate her taking the time to take photos of us! 
For the full photo shoot please check our page here!
We have finally had enough down time to fix some issues on the website, get our "Making of" pics up, and start on tutorials. Go take a look at our LED tutorial! We have many more coming soon! We have decided to update this blog around  the 18th of every month, so check back for news! If you would like to keep up with our day to day progress like us on facebook

We also added descriptions to our newer costume pages as well as details on how we made them. Hope it helps! 

Currently Demi is working on her Catwoman costume, Shaun is working on finishing his WoW dagger, and Mika is finishing up her Sylvanas bow and getting started on Arkham City Harley. We'll flood our facebook and this blog with Work in Progress pics as they come along.
written by Mika

Tokyo in Tulsa is already over!! It was so much fun! Another great year at our favorite con! We are already preparing for our next con (Glitch con) which is next weekend! No rest for the wicked, right? 

I didn't have time to write a huge blog entry so I'll just do a quick(ish) recap of our amazing weekend. We will be posting progress photos of our WoW and Panty & Stocking groups, as well as info on how we constructed them, after Glitch con. Until then, here's our weekend recap:

Thursday night was our Waltz in Wonderland. Our cast members spent ALL DAY with us. They helped us decorate and set up for the night, danced their butts off, then helped us tear everything down at the end of the night. It was a lot of hard work but totally worth it! Everywhere we looked we saw smiling faces and tons of people came up to us and told us how much they loved it. It was a really rewarding experience and we are so happy to hear that so many enjoyed it! A big thank you to all of our guests who showed up and danced with us! You guys were so much fun!! We were shocked at how quickly everyone was willing to get up and dance and interact. 

Our Wonderland Cast: Red Prince, Cheshire Cat, Red Queen, White Queen, White Knight, Alice, Dormouse (Mally), Hatter, and March Hare

THESE GUYS. There aren't even words for how proud they made us! They were so lovable and entertaining. We truly owe this event to our cast members. We couldn't have asked for a better group. We would love to work with each and every one of you at future events. 

Thank you Tokyo in Tulsa for giving us this opportunity, and we hope to be back next year to put on an even better Ball!!
Friday we were Panty, Stocking, and Brief. We really enjoyed these costumes, but Demi and I had wig troubles. We will definitely be conditioning and re styling them before Glitch Con. These were super comfy to wear, except for the shoes. Ughhh the shoes hurt!! Next time we'll just make Shaun carry us around or something, yeah?
Friday was also our Prop Making 101 panel. We had a nice turnout and lots of questions which was exactly what we had hoped for! We will be changing a few things for next time, but overall really enjoyed doing this panel! We will be doing another one at Glitch Con next weekend!
Saturday was the debut of our World of Warcraft group!!! We have a few changes we plan to make to these, but we had so much fun in them! They weren't the easiest costumes to move around in. Luckily for us we had two AWESOME handlers (Ashly and Keegan) with us that kept us alive and, when necessary, fed us. It was a very exhausting but amazing day. We really appreciate all the cosplay love shown towards these costumes! 
We entered the cosplay competition and are very honored to say we won 2nd place overall!! It was such an honor to stand on stage alongside so many talented costumers. We met some awesome people backstage and had a blast talking to them before the competition. 
Photo by Nikki Hall

It's pretty impossible to look happy in blue. 

Sunday Demi and I decided to relax and just throw together some "Bounty Hunter/Steampunkish" gear. The guy in the middle is Demi's boyfrann Keegan. Shaun decided not to dress up and was promptly eaten by a bear....because that's what happens when you wear normal clothes at a con... We were so sad to leave! We hope to see all of you amazing people at Glitchcon and Izumicon!  Thanks for another awesome Tokyo in Tulsa, and as always THANKS FOR READING <3