Written by Mika 
    Con season is rapidly approaching!! We have been busily preparing for this year's conventions! Our first convention of the year is A-kon 23 in about 3 months. This year we are really challenging ourselves with techniques and materials we have never worked with before. We are really excited about this year! Here is what we have so far!
                      We are getting close to finishing Panty and Stocking!! For these we used Satin fabric.
    Demi's Stocking is looking wonderful! She appliqued her blue stripes onto her dress to avoid seam lines. Next she will start on her bodice. Below is my Panty progress. The wings on the shirt are craft foam. Next I will start altering the heels I bought. We still have some details to add to these two, but we are pretty excited about our progress so far!
We used craft foam, wire, and gorilla glue to create these cute cartooney wings!!

    I was able to make some progress on my Sylvanas cosplay as well! I have been working with Wonderflex for the first time and I am loving it! I have been usuing a few helpful tutorials from Kamui Cosplay. If you haven't heard of her, go check her out! She is amazing! Here is my progress so far:
    First I made a pattern out of newspaper. Then, using my patterns, I cut out 2 pieces of Wonderflex and 1 slightly smaller piece of craft foam. Next I put the piece of craft foam in between the wonderflex and heated it to the correct shape. Once the Wonderflex was dry I glued purple suede fabric onto the Wonderflex using contact cement.
The next step was to trace this pattern onto the armor pieces.
                                      Then I used a soldering gun to melt the pattern into the fabric.
                        Finally, I used a copic marker to give it the proper shading and add a bit more detail.
    All of the armor pieces (except for the shoulders) have been started. The top part was a little difficult and took a few tries. I ended up making a duct tape and newspaper pattern using a strapless bra. I used 2mm and 3mm craft foam to create the top. My next step will be to add the silver trim and detail pieces to these!
                    A few days ago I was able to trace the pattern for the weird shield thing on her bow.
                   It is all covered in foam now! I will begin carving and working on it sometime this week!

    We had a great time at the midnight launch for Soul Calibur V in late January. Another big Thanks to OKgamers and the Tulsa Hills Gamestop for having us out!  We got the chance to play the game a few days later and fell in love with it. Both of us find Patroklos and Pyrrha unfortunately irritating, but thankfully most of the other characters are pretty cool. We absolutely love Tira's new look. We miss Cass, but all in all it is really fun game!
7/12/2012 04:21:32 am

nice post

Khemia Creations
7/12/2012 04:24:13 am

Thank you!

7/16/2012 10:57:11 am

Good article dude

Khemia Creations
7/16/2012 11:51:37 am

Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it!


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